Financial Aid & Tuition

Thousands of students who thought they could never afford a private college have discovered how incredibly affordable Lane can be.

We understand the significant investment you and your family make to attain a Lane education and we know the process of applying for financial aid can be intimidating and confusing. We walk you through the process step by step.

We have professional financial aid counselors who are trained to meet your financial aid needs. We give you the options and resources you need to invest in your education.

For more information and to discover how incredibly affordable a Lane education can be, please reach out to our financial aid team.

Brittney Bond, Financial Aid Counselor
731-426-7537 |

Kyshae Biggs, Coordinator of Financial Aid Programs
731-426-7602 |

We never want financial resources to stop you from achieving your educational goals. Call us today and we will help you every step of the way.

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Apply for FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a form prepared annually by current and prospective college students in the United States to determine their eligibility for financial aid.

The FAFSA application is required of all students seeking federal financial aid (including loans). The completed application is to be
submitted to the Office of Financial Aid or the federal application processor.

The FAFSA should not be confused with the CSS Profile, which is also required by some colleges.

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Financial Aid SAP

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a policy required by Federal and State financial aid regulations for all students receiving financial assistance through these programs. The policy measures a student’s completion of coursework toward a degree and applies to students attending full-time and part-time in all degree seeking programs. All students must be in good academic standing (as defined by this policy) to be eligible for aid.

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Project Success Financial Literacy

Project Success Financial Literacy works to lower your student loan default rates; sponsor college access and success initiatives, and financial literacy programs; and provide resources to support student loan borrowers to successfully repay their loans.

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Student Accounts

The refund is the amount paid by our financial aid office or in cash minus any amount kept to cover charges for the period of enrollment. The amount the we retain is calculated according to our refund policy, which you can find in your student handbook.

Repayments are cash disbursed directly to you for payment of non-institution educational costs such as living expenses, determined to be greater than your expenses while you were enrolled, therefore must be returned to federal/state agencies.

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Net Price Calculator

This calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information (defined as estimated cost of attendance - including tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board (meals), and other related expenses - minus estimated grant and scholarship aid) to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year.