REL 130: World Religions
3 Credits
This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic tenets, ideologies, and concepts of the major religions of the world.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
REL 131: Old Testament
3 Credits
A study of the books and the theology of the Old Testament. Attention will be given to the origins and development of the Old Testament, including authors, major personalities, and major themes of the books.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
REL 132: New Testament
3 Credits
An introduction of the New Testament. Includes the origins and development of the books, including authors, dates, personalities, and major themes.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
REL 231: History of the Black Church
3 Credits
A detailed study of the origin, development, and ministry of the Black Church in the United States, including study of the lives and works of outstanding Black Church leaders and theologians.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
REL 232: The Psychology of Religion
3 Credits
An examination of religious experience, its relationship to various aspects of human life, major religious and psychological schools of thought.
Offered: Fall (E)
REL 233: Christian Ethics
3 Credits
An intensive study of the Judeo-Christian ethic and the theological basis of social action with emphasis on the relationship between situations and principles.
Offered: Spring (E)
REL 234: Church History
3 Credits
A study of the history of the Christian Church from the time of Jesus of Nazareth until today. Special attention will be given to historical periods and events in the life of the Church.
Offered: Fall (E)
REL 310: Seminar in Religion I*
3 Credits
An upper-level seminar dealing with special topics to be announced.
Prerequisite: REL 131 and REL 132 and/or consent of the instructor
REL 335: Life and Teachings of Jesus
3 Credits
A study of the major events, teachings, and historical background of the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
Prerequisite: REL 132
Offered: Fall (O)
REL 336: African Religious Tradition
3 Credits
A study of traditional African religious practices.
Offered: Fall (O)
REL 410: Seminar in Religion II*
3 Credits
Continuation of Seminar I.
REL 431: Blacks in the Bible
3 Credits
A study of Africans, early Hebrews, and New Testament characters from the African culture. This course will acquaint students with various characters who descended from the African culture, as well as the contributions these individuals made to the oral/written tradition of the Old and New Testament times.
Prerequisite: REL 131 or REL 132
Offered: Spring (E)
REL 432: Homiletics—From Slavery to the 21st Century Pulpit
3 Credits
An intensive study of the Black preaching tradition from slavery to the 21st century. This course is designed to enhance the basic preaching skills and at the same time create an awareness of the uniqueness of Black homiletics.
Prerequisites: Student must be in the ministry, or consent of instructor; SPC 230
Offered: Spring (E)
REL 434: Independent Studies in Religion
3 Credits
Directed readings and research project for senior Religion majors.
Prerequisite: Senior status and consent of the instructor