In compliance with the Resolution passed by the Lane College Board of Trustees in October 1992, the following procedure shall be followed with respect to fund-raising in the name of and/or on behalf of Lane College:
- Any person, department, organization, corporation, or entity shall seek the written approval of the President of the College prior to contacting any individual or entity for the purpose of soliciting funds.
- Prior to contacting any potential donors, an individual or entity who wishes to solicit funds in the name of or on behalf of the College shall submit to the President of the College a proposal which contains the following elements:
- a) Description of fund-raising event or project
- b) Specific purpose(s) for which funds are being solicited
- c) Detailed budget of anticipated income, expenditures, and profit
- d) Time frame for beginning and ending solicitation
- e) Estimated time frame for when all funds will be received
- f) Date, time, and location of event, if applicable (e.g., banquet, fashion show, or concert)
- g) Names and addresses of lead persons, including coordinator and treasurer r
- h) Name, address, and affiliation of each person, group, corporation, etc., from which funds will be solicited, if know
- i) Method(s) of solicitation
- j) If applicable, amount requested from each potential donor
- k) Other pertinent information, if any.
- Any entity named in #1 above which wishes to use proceeds from a fund-raising event for specified purposes, e.g., scholarships, books and supplies, or support for student travel to and from the college, must include the details of the request in the proposal.
- All funds collected must be forwarded to the President of Lane College for deposit in an appropriate account in the College's Business Office. Checks should be made out to Lane College.
- The completed proposal shall be submitted to the President of the College as far in advance as possible, but not less than one month prior to the proposed date for initial contact with potential donors.
- The President of the College shall respond to the proposal within 10 days of receipt of proposal. The President reserves the right to approve the proposal as submitted; to approve it with modifications; or to reject it.
- The lead person for proposals that have been approved must assure that the President of the College receives regular statements (at least monthly) which provide an update of income and expenditures, as well, as an overall progress report, including an update on activities, arrangements, acquisitions, etc.
- At any time during the period when funds are being collected and/or the event is being planned, the President of the College reserves the right to make appropriate modifications which, in his opinion, are in the best interest of the College.