1. From any computer go to our main Library page.
2. Click “Library Online Catalog” on the left menu then click the "Search" tab.
3. Use the drop down menu to choose to search by Title (e.g., rough guide to climate change), Author (Last name first e.g. Henson, Robert), Subject (e.g., climate change), or All words (This will search within all fields of a record including title, author, and subject)
4. Click the “search” button to bring up the list of results related to your search term. In the results list the title of the book is displayed along with the author, call number, and number of books available. An entry in the list will look like this:

5. For more information on a book, click on its title to access the full catalog record. If you find a book you would like to locate, take note of the entire call number (in the above example it would be363.7387 H526r 2008). The call number is a decimal number between 001 and 999.999 used to find the specific location of the book in the library.
In some instances a call number will have a letter that precedes or follows the decimal number. This signifies a book is in a unique collection in a different area within the library. Here are the special collections:
R – Reference (e.g., R427.09 W478d)
N – Negro Heritage Collection (e.g., N412.54 B181b)
F – Fiction (e.g., F T649f 2004)
CEL – Curriculum Education Lab (e.g., 371.102 M135 CEL)
VT – Video Tape (e.g., VT0806)
If you need assistance feel free to ask any of the library staff for help.