Covid-19 Academic Continuity Plan and Student Protocol
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic Lane College has moved to REMOTE INSTRUCTION. Classes will be delivered only via remote instruction - no face-to-face teaching. While Blackboard and CAMS are the College’s primary learning management tools, faculty may use a variety of platforms to advance and evaluate the student learning outcomes for each course. The following procedures have been enacted to aid students in a smooth transition to our new remote instruction delivery.
REMOTE INSTRUCTION delivered through platform (CAMS or BLACKBOARD) and tools/resources by individual faculty.
Syllabus Addendum – Log on to CAMS and Blackboard. Each instructor will provide instructions; clearly detailed content and instruction calendar, assignments due date, submission procedure, office hour schedule, preferred ways of contact, etc.
Communication – All instructors will be communicating frequently with information regarding their course. Please set a routine of checking into BLACKBOARD, CAMS, and Lane College email for announcements and informational communication.
First Blackboard message and/or email on transition to online delivery to include a web link to helpful tips for students (See RESOURCES below)
Student Availability Hours – Each instructor has posted student contact hours for virtually communication through a medium of choice (Skype, BLACKBOARD Discussion Forum, Email, Facetime, Google HangOuts, Zoom, etc.)
Grading – Due to COVID-19 pandemic and the unexpected shift to remote instruction, grading will include the option of ‘P’ as well as the traditional letter grades (A, B, C, D, or F). The grade of ‘P’ denotes student has passed the course and will receive credit without any bearing on grade point average. Students have the option to not receive the “P” grade instead of the traditional letter grades (A, B, C, or D) for their courses. Other grading policies, such as Grade Change and Incomplete, remain the same. Digital form will be provided for all procedures needing approval. For further information, email
Blackboard and Lane College Email Support – contact
Academic Support – contact
Communication – check email daily to make contact with INSTRUCTORS
Meetings – Utilize chat groups, blogs, and other methods to form student groups.
Advising – Advisors will communicate through your Lane College email and other means of choice. Log on to BLACKBOARD, CAMS, website student advisement.