Lockdown Procedures



A lockdown prevents persons from entry or departure from a Lane College campus facility and is used to protect building occupants in the case of an emergency. Once an emergency is declared by the President or an appropriate designee, the following lockdown procedures are to be followed:

  1. Remain inside your building
  2. If outside, move to the nearest building.
  3. Close windows and doors and stay away from them.
  4. Lock doors, if possible, or barricade doors and take cover to protect yourself
  5. Turn off air-conditioning, ventilation, and lighting, if possible.
  6. Close window coverings, blinds, shades, etc.
  7. Remain quiet and in place until notified by emergency personnel.
  8. ilence cell phones and do not use them unless you are in contact with emergency personnel.
  9. Do not allow anyone to exit the classroom until the “all clear” signal is given by the administration or Campus Security.


Notification of a campus lockdown will be communicated via the Emergency Notification System (e2 Campus). During a lockdown, police and other emergency personnel would be responding to the emergency.


All campus buildings are to be locked to prevent entrance from unauthorized persons.

  1. Exterior entrances of buildings are to be locked by the facilities’ personnel, staff, faculty or security with access to door locks.
  2. Students in residence halls are to remain in their rooms with the door locked.
  3. Staff are to remain in their offices, or a secure area, preferably without windows, with the door locked.
  4. Faculty are to remain in their classroom with the door locked or barricaded, where possible.


There are a number of emergency situations in which an evacuation of the building and/or classroom is not advisable – hostile intruder, hazardous released outside, terrorist attack, etc. The following situational procedures should be followed:


If a violent situation arises for which law enforcement personnel are being called, the following information must be provided at the time of the call:

  1. The location of the incident.
  2. The nature of the incident.
  3. A physical description of the perpetrator.
  4. Descriptions and license numbers of any vehicles involved.
  5. The name of the individual who will meet/escort the law enforcement personnel when they arrive at the location.

After law enforcement personnel have been called, a determination must be made whether to evacuate the facility. If the situation allows, the supervisor should contact the following persons to aid in the evacuation decision:

  1. Executive Vice President at ext. 7645
  2. Campus Security at ext. 7531
  3. Director of Safety at ext.1203


A psychological crisis exists when an individual threatens harm to herself/himself or to others, manifested by extreme behavior. If a psychological crisis occurs on campus:

  1. Immediately do what is necessary to keep yourself safe
  2. Notify Security by calling ext. 7531
  3. Provide your name and location for officers to respond to the situation.
  4. The security officer is to then notify the Director of Health/Counseling at ext. 7613.



Should you become aware of someone whose capacity to cope has become overwhelmed to the point that they can no longer function effectively (uncontrollable crying, severe withdrawal, speaking in general terms of harming self), you are to call the Health/Counseling Services at ext. 7613 during regular business hours 8:00am - 5:00pm. After hours, you are to contact Security at ext. 7531 (who in turn will contact the Director of Health/Counseling).


If a hostage has been taken or the perpetrator is armed, do not attempt to 1) disable or disarm the perpetrator, 2) negotiate or, 3) set off any audible alarms. If possible, employees must prevent entrance to the facility or area by others. Law enforcement personnel will assume control of the situation upon their arrival and will establish a command post in or near the facility.

If taken hostage:

  1. Follow instructions of hostage taker.
  2. Remain calm.
  3. Treat the hostage taker as normal as possible.
  4. Be respectful to hostage taker.
  5. Ask permission and do not argue.


If you are involved in a situation where someone has entered the area and started shooting, the following is a list of actions that are recommended. It should be noted that these types of incident are unpredictable. The below guidelines are recommendations that are based on past experiences. You may have to alter some of these suggestions, depending on the situation.

  1. Exit the building immediately and notify anyone you may encounter to exit the building also.
  2. Leave the campus if you can safely do so; notify a supervisor or fellow worker know that you are leaving
  3. Call 911 and Campus security at ext. 7531 from any campus phone.
  4. Give the dispatch operator the following information:
    • Your name
      Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)
      Number of shooters (if known)
      Identification or description of shooter
      Number of persons who may be involved
      Your location

If you are directly involved and exiting the building is not possible, the following actions are recommended:

  1. Go to the nearest room or office.
  2. Close and lock the door.
  3. Cover the door windows.
  4. Keep quiet and act as if no one is in the room. (DO NOT answer the door).
  5. Notify 911 and campus security.
  6. Give the dispatch operator the following information:
    • Your name
      Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)
      Number of shooters (if known)
      Identification or description of shooter
      Number of persons who may be involved
      Your location

Wait for local police or security to assist you out of the building.

Non-emergency incidents occurring on campus can be reported directly to the College Security by calling (731) 426-7531 or (731) 426-7500.