Colleagues and Scholars,
Lane College needs your “buy-in to the bubble”!
As each of you know, protocols were established for our safe return to campus, including testing, cleaning, wearing masks and social distancing. These measures were intended to establish the Lane College social bubble. Throughout the summer, we discussed that we would create a healthy “bubble” and would maintain our social bubble through WWSS: Wear your mask, Wash your hands, Social distance and Self-check. To maintain our healthy and safe environment, we need to buy-in to the Lane College social bubble each and every day.
I want to congratulate you. I see our scholars consistently wearing masks and stopping by the PopID to check their temperature. Keep up the good work.
I remind you to continue your social distancing. As I have said to several groups of you, to social distance you should be arm’s length from one another. You spread your arms, your colleague does the same, and you are likely to be six feet apart.
For sure, I have observed that many of you have established your pods (small groups of scholars and colleagues). I encourage you to practice WWSS even in your pods.
Remember, I am my brother’s keeper and I am my sister’s keeper. I keep you and you keep me.
Together, we will continue to have a healthy and safe semester.
Logan Hampton