Plasma Physics is solving some of the most complex problems in the universe. There are limitless possibilities ranging from harnessing plasma to produce fusion energy in nuclear reactors, prediction of space weather events that affect power grids and onboard computers, to applications in microelectronic fabrication by plasma etching in the creation of therapeutic materials to aid in wound healing (The American Physical Society, 2022). Plasma Physics is thereby anticipated to be one of the leading scientific fields by FY2042 (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 2022).
Princeton University is not only one of the leading institutions of higher learning but is renowned for its experimental research conducted in its Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPL). The University has produced graduates in Plasma Physics who go on to work at leading STEM industries and governmental agencies such as: Analogic Corporation, The Center for Space Physics, United States Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Oakridge National Lab, and Fermi Lab. As a part of Princeton University’s initiative to stimulate, educate, and recruit new talented students into Plasma Physics, PPL hosted a workshop during August 16-19, 2022.
Daniel Lawrence Davis, a junior Physics Major at Lane College, was chosen as 1 of 12 undergraduate STEM students out of 122 applicants to attend the coveted all-expenses paid educational opportunity. “The workshop was an intensive 4-days. However, it gave me the opportunity to visualize career possibilities in the field of physics. I had the opportunity to explore applications in plasma physics, electromagnetism, fusion, and computational physics. PPL also offered me an opportunity to return during Summer 2023 for their summer research internship program, which I am still considering. I appreciate the opportunities shared by my advisor and Physics Department Chair, Dr. Nicholas Wolff, Division Chair Dr. Melanie Van Stry, and the entire Lane College Natural and Physical Science Division,” Davis replied.

Daniel L. Davis of Lane College is seen in the photo above recording measurements using specialized PPL equipment. Below, Davis is seen working with fellow cohort student in a computational physics lab.

Daniel L. Davis (1st on left, back row) is featured at Princeton University ‘s Plasma Physics Laboratory (Princeton, New Jersey) with cohort of undergraduate STEM scholars chosen to participate in specialized training workshop.