Dear Scholars,
Here is an excellent internship opportunity. I will be happy to help you with the application. Contact me at 301-535-9620.
The UNCF K-12 Education Fellowship 2022 - African American Juniors can apply for this PAID 10-week leadership development program and internship at a K-12 school to work with youth in need of good mentoring & tutoring, and/or you will get good administrative experience; Application Deadline: THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, 1-28-22, 10:59 pm CST; 11:59 pm EST; Go to to apply.
- Essay (See guidelines below)
- Resume’
- Transcript
- Must be willing to re-locate in the summer if the program is not virtual; housing & travel expenses will be paid by UNCF; Internship Dates: May 25, 2022 – July 29, 2022
- Recommendation Letter from a Lane professor or administrator must be submitted online or emailed to by Fri., 2-4-22.
Essay Guidelines - Pre-Essay-writing Steps:
- Look up the word, “reform.” Write down, and make sure you understand the meaning of that word.
- Look up the term, “school reform.” Take notes, and make sure you understand its meaning and take notes on examples of “school reform.”
- Read Articles that explain the state of the K-12 education sector in the U.S and why there are widespread calls for reform. Take notes on the articles, and make sure you have a good understanding of U.S. school reform.
Essay Topic Checklist:
- Describe your understanding of the K-12 education sector in America and why reform is needed in America's schools.
- Share why you're passionate about K-12 education and
- Share how you hope to positively impact the K-12 education sector.
- Make sure that your essay is no more than 500 words