Residence Halls Close April 3 Following Governor's Safer-At-Home Order

News Articles

Residence Halls Close April 3 Following Governor's Safer-At-Home Order

Mar 31, 2020


Dear Students, Faculty, Staff and Board Members

After consulting with Chairman Williamson and the executive committee and members of the Lane College Board of Trustees, my direct reports and the Academic Cabinet, I have determined to end the 2020 spring semester on Friday, April 24, 2020 and to close the residence halls on Friday, April 3, 2020.

I thank each of you for your efforts to conclude this semester in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. I am especially thankful to the faculty who have labored to convert their courses to remote formats. Hats off to the essential staff who have done yeoman work remotely, isolated in campus offices and across the campus. I salute the 200 or so residential students, who complied with the order to Shelter in Place and adjusted to our new normal in the cafeteria, residence halls and across campus. We have attempted to comply with all federal, state and local mandates. Please contact the appropriate faculty, staff or office with specific questions.

With the federal social distancing guidelines extended to April 30, 2020, the College will share more information about commencement exercises in the coming days.

While there have been no known COVID-19 cases on campus, Lane College will remain closed to visitors and guests. Essential personnel and students who live on campus are the only persons permitted on campus. Most employees are working remotely. For additional questions, you may call the College’s information number at 731.426.7500 or email REMOTE@LANECOLLEGE.EDU. These modifications are subject to change in response to President Trump, CDC, Governor and/or Mayors.

As I have requested throughout this difficult season, I ask you to remain vigilant, patient and prayerful.

Grace, mercy and peace,

Logan Hampton

PS: Please see responses to several questions from my conversations today.

  1. When will the commencement exercises be held?
    The College is checking July dates with the Oman Arena staff.
  2. Will the computer labs close on April 3?
    Yes, the computer labs would officially close on April 3.
  3. We have a large percentage of students who received a D or F at midterm. Will this be enough time for them to bring their grade up? A "D" in a major course, Algebra I, II, Composition I and II is not a passing grade.
    I do not know whether the students will have enough time. I trust that the faculty would be judicious in assigning course grades whether A, B, C, D, F, I or the new pass or fail. As is the case for any term, a faculty member has the discretion to assign a grade of “I” to allow the student time to complete assignments.
  4. What happens if a faculty member has assigned a due date after April 3?
    If a faculty member has set the timeline for when work should be done, it will remain. For example, if the faculty member gave students to April 24 to turn the paper in, the student will have till April 24 to complete the assignment.
  5. When will students move out of the residence halls? Many went home for Spring Break but left their belongings in the residence halls.
    Students may check out of the residence halls now but no later than April 3. Please know that over 100 students have checked out of the residence halls. Please direct students to email with their questions.
  6. Will students receive a refund on their tuition, fees, books, room and board?
    No, students will complete the semester in full on April 24.
  7. Will students receive a refund on their room and board?
    It depends. Students may contact Student Accounts at
  8. When should students return books to the bookstore?
    When the student finishes their courses, they may return the books.
  9. How does this affect faculty and staff contracts?
    The change will have no impact on the current year contracts.
  10. Should students complete the senior clearance form?
    No, you should contact Ms. Wilisha McGoughy at