
We expect our scholars to dive into academic life, get to know their professors, and pursue interests inside and outside the classroom.

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The Lane College Library/Learning Resource Center (LLRC) functions in a modern facility known as the Chambers-McClure Academic Center (CMAC). The building serves as the academic hub of the campus.

The LLRC was designed to provide a mixture of both traditional and technologically-enhanced services and has now expanded to include the second and third floors of the building.

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We offer 2-year associate degrees, 4-year bachelor's degrees, and a variety of career pathway certifications that can be stacked together providing you the career credentials you need to land a great job.

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Course Catalog

These are the classes currently offered at Lane.


NOTE: Specific courses are offered yearly, in even numbered years and odd numbered years.

F indicates courses offered in Fall
indicates courses offered in Spring
Indicates courses offered All years
(E) Indicates courses offered in Even numbered years
(O) Indicates courses offered on Odd numbered years
*Students should consult their academic advisor about course rotation.


Academic Calendar

Here you will find essential dates and schedules to assist in time management, course planning and preparation for courses, test scheduling.

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Lane Institute

Lane College is committed to developing the “whole student.” The purpose of Lane Institute is to achieve this priority by leading the institution in holistic high impact practices, appreciative advising, academic support, and co-curricular activities.

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FBI Collegiate Academy

The FBI Memphis Field Office, which covers middle and west Tennessee, is pleased to welcome Lane College students to their FBI Collegiate Academy for the 2023 school year. This program takes college students behind the scenes of local FBI operations and facilitates proactive recruitment for people of all backgrounds and demographics.

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We offer three divisions in Business, Social and Behavioral Science, Liberal Studies and Education and Natural and Physical Science.

The Division of Business, Social and Behavioral Sciences develops communication, technical, human relations, and analytical skills to enhance successful entrance in your chosen careers and/or professional and graduate endeavors.

The Division of Liberal Studies and Education comprises the core of the liberal arts curriculum and includes the courses in languages, education, literature, music, art, drama, speech, communication arts, religion, and philosophy.

The Division of Natural and Physical Sciences and Mathematics promotes scientific, mathematical, and computer literacy, and emphasizes the process, content, and interdisciplinary nature of these disciplines.

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Additional Academic Resources

Here are additional academic resources that concern our SACSCOC accreditation and our academic programs.

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State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Lane College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA), a voluntary regional approach to state oversight of distance education. Through NC-SARA membership, Lane College can deliver distance education courses and programs in NC-SARA member states. Forty-nine states, excluding California, are members of NC-SARA who adheres to a common set of standards for postsecondary distance education. For more…