Student Organizations

While academics provide the mainstay of the College environment, Lane recognizes that the undergraduate experience is not restricted to the classroom. As such, the College offers numerous student activities. This gives students the opportunity to participate in social, cultural, recreational and athletic activities.


While you come to college for your academic studies, research shows students who are actively involved in extracurricular activities have better grades and higher graduation rates. Thus, we strongly encourage our students to get involved in various organizations, events/activities, and services offered. A few of these opportunities include:


The Lane College Dragons Marching Band consists of a group of highly motivated and talented instrumental musicians, a dance team, and color guard that performs during halftime at football games, in the homecoming parade, and other community events. Instrumentation includes brass, woodwinds, and percussion instruments. The band is clothed in new and brightly decorative uniforms that sport the distinctive Dragon insignia, feather plumes, and gloves.

For more information on Lane's Marching Band contact our Director of Bands or the Office of Admissions at


Lane College is proud of its Concert Choir. Since 1904, singing groups at Lane have performed under various names, including The Glee Club, The Choral Group, The Concert Singers, The Gospel Ambassadors, and the Lane College Concert Choir. Their distinguished directors over the years have included Professor Nathaniel Dett, an international pianist and composer; Dr. Mitchell Southall, a nationally renowned choral composer; and Dr. Marvin Curtis, the first African American composer commissioned to write a choral work for the inauguration of a U.S. President.

The Lane College Concert Choir has performed for many auspicious occasions in distinguished venues, including but not limited to The White House and the World's Fair. Among their most notable performances was rendering music for the funerals of Alex Haley, author of the world famous book, Roots, and Ron Brown, the former Commerce Secretary in the Clinton Administration.

Alexis Rainbow | Assistant Professor, Voice/Choir | JCM Building |


The Lane College Student Government Association (SGA) is a sanctioned College organization that fosters student involvement in the quality of student life at the College. The primary goals of the SGA are as follows: to provide a forum for the expression of student ideas; to serve as an intermediary between the student and the College community; to promote intellectual dialogue; and to secure student enrichment.

The SGA participates in a wide range of activities and its purposes are intimately related to all facets of campus life:

  1. to promote the individual and collective interests of the student body
  2. to further the democratic process through student representation in institutional governance
  3. to cultivate student leadership and encourage student participation in all phases of institutional governance
  4. to convey students' views to the College faculty and administration
  5. to assist in the coordination and development of student activities
  6. to promote good relations and communications among the students, the faculty, and the administration and
  7. to promote school spirit and tradition

Miss Lane College Laila Cooper


The title of Miss Lane College is an honor bestowed upon a young lady who, in competition against other young ladies, is determined most outstanding by a panel of experienced pageant judges. The Miss Lane College Pageant is open to young ladies enrolled in the College who meet specific criteria.

Several personality and charm clinics and rehearsals will be held for the contestants prior to the pageant. The young ladies participating in the pageant will find the experience to be exciting, enjoyable, and rewarding. The young lady who wins the title of Miss Lane College will receive a scholarship award to include room and board.


Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student-led organization that works to meet the needs of students by creating involvement opportunities on the campus. Our goal is to serve students by providing engaging activities and events that cultivate their social, physical, intellectual, and spiritual development. We believe student involvement creates a healthy campus community which in turn works to support Lane's mission, vision, and values.

The purpose of the Campus Activities Board is to serve and unity the interests of students, faculty, and staff of Lane through well-rounded social, educational, cultural, and recreational activities. CAB is focused on adding to the college experience of all Lane students. Involvement also provides the opportunity to develop a number of professional, leadership and life skills.


Lane offers a variety of competitive team sports, individual sports, and other special events that cater to the entire population on campus. We offer our students an opportunity to participate in basketball, flag football, soccer, kickball, golf and boxing. In addition we offer swimming and other recreational activities.


The Dragon Ambassador Program creates positive experiences for Lane students. Ambassadors put their diverse leadership styles to use by assisting prospective students in demonstrating how the College can provide the type of high quality academic and social environment which will best assist them in attaining their educational goals and career aspirations.

Dragon Ambassadors are dedicated to service that ensures the continued success of the College. Energy, enthusiasm, and dedication are expected of Dragon Ambassadors. The ambassadors also will gain outstanding leadership training and are presented with opportunities to develop excellent communication skills. The Dragon Ambassador Program combines the values of service and leadership to create an organization that will be a precious part of a student's educational experience while at Lane.


Abbreviated for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), the HBCU Wellness Project is an intervention designed to utilize the human and social capital at private historically black colleges and universities to promote health and modify risks for chronic diseases among individuals living in the surrounding communities. The primary goal of the HBCU Wellness Project is to leverage educational and service- oriented resources at HBCUs to positively impact the health and well-being of Tennessee residents.

The HBCU Wellness Project is directed by Meharry Medical College and functions through four historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in Tennessee.


Student organizations exist to support the overall objectives of the College. Operating on the basis of voluntary participation and self-government, student organizations are an integral part of the College community, and as such are obligated to contribute to the scholastic attainment and general development of the individual student. Student organizations offer the individual an opportunity to broaden his/her environment. Skills and experience obtained through membership in student organizations serve as a valuable supplement to the formal curriculum.

Studies confirm students benefit greatly from being involved in a campus organization. An active, involved student is a successful student. Through participation in activities and clubs, students can enhance the classroom curriculum with out-of-class related experiences, form relationships with other students with similar interests, and develop mentor relationships with faculty and staff while utilizing life skills such as decision making, planning, critical thinking, and more. Student organizations help create a sense of community and spirit on campus.

If you are interested in starting a new organization, please contact the office of Campus Life.


An organization whose stated objective is to provide an opportunity for individuals to discuss and share information related to a specific academic discipline, topic or interest. You will be exposed to opportunities for networking and leadership development.

In addition, the academic category includes honor organizations whose memberships are based on academic achievement, and whose purposes are to recognize such. These groups must hold meetings and sponsor events throughout the year as well as initiation ceremonies.

  • Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Society
  • Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society
  • Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity
  • Accounting Club
  • Art Club
  • Biology Club
  • Communication Club
  • Computer Science/Mathematics Club
  • Criminal Justice Association
  • Foreign Languages Club
  • History Club
  • Pre-Med / Dental Club
  • Pre-Law Society
  • Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity
  • Student Government Association


A social and service organization composed of all male or female students (single sex organizations). Greek organizations strive to develop the greatest potential in each of their members according to their individual talents, skills and personality to prepare them for life after graduation. There are additional requirements for membership into Greek Service Organizations.

  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.


An organization whose purpose is to provide a place for members to discuss issues relevant to them, to express their interest in a given subject, to serve as a support group for students on campus or a group off campus, or a group interested in advancing social issues that concern the College and the community.

  • Cheerleaders
  • Freshman Class
  • Sophomore Class
  • Junior Class
  • Senior Class
  • Pre-Alumni Council
  • Dragon Ambassadors
  • Bellas
  • Beaus
  • Concert Choir
  • Marching Band
  • Alpha Omega Library Club
  • Student Christian Association
  • Chess Club
  • Prism
  • Debate Club
  • Flames Dance Club
  • Gospel Choir
  • Baptist Student Union
  • Democratic Association
  • Young Life College
  • Campus Activity Board
  • Power Sports League


All organizations need to re-register annually with the Office of Campus Life to keep their active status. Please note updating your officers does not suffice as re-registering your group. Even if you have recently updated your officers, you still need to complete the re-registration form. Registration must be submitted online by September 1, 2020, to maintain your organization's active status. If you do not re-register your organization by September 15, 2020 your organization will be marked as an inactive organization.


Students wishing to start a new student organization must do the following:

  1. Discuss plans with the Director of Campus Life before meeting as an organized group, writing a constitution or planning organization activities.
  2. The director will work with an organization to identify existing student organizations that may meet students' needs or help the students to develop the appropriate documentation to support successful completion of the recognition process.
  3. New student organizations must meet and follow the regulations that govern student organizations.
  4. The Director of Campus Life will review the proposed organization's student organization packet, constitution and/or bylaws for approval.
  5. The Director of Campus Life will notify the organization of the final action in writing.

Note: The approval process usually takes at least 14 business days, however the process may take longer. During that time the activities of the new student organization will be limited to meeting and membership drives. No other activities, solicitation, or programs will be allowed until final approval has been granted.


All events held on our campus must benefit or help further pursue the mission of the College. All events must be requested/reserved through the Office of Campus Life in order to be supported.

Campus Life must be notified of any event needs/ resources required for a properly scheduled event.

Non- College and outside groups, organizations, corporations or individuals may request space for activities that comply within the rules and regulations of Lane.

A request form is filled out and returned to Office of Campus Life to determine availability of resources, staffing and the impact of the event to Lane.

The Office of Campus Life reserves the right to approve or deny all requests pending availability, staffing and context of event.

All requests must be submitted two weeks prior to the day of the event. Please allow 48 hours for processing.