Parents and Families

Welcome, Parents and Families.

Lane is known for our passionate and caring community, and here you’ll find resources for staying involved during your student’s time with us. Whether you want to know about everyday life at Lane, milestones, or events we hold especially for parents and supportive family members, we have resources to keep you in the loop.

Welcome to the Lane Family. We know that family support is an integral part of a student’s success. In addition to posting regular parent and family information on this page, you may always email us at for specific help. We see our parents as our partners, and we are here to help in each step of your student’s journey.

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Families of Prospective Students

As the family of a prospective student, you probably have questions about Lane. This page will introduce you to Lane and our undergraduate offerings. You will also find information on our application process and how we make a Lane education incredibly affordable.

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Families of New Students

Congratulations on your student's admission to Lane College! We are excited for your student to join us at Lane. Over the next few years, you’re going to hear the word dragon a lot and we are proud to have your student as a Lane College Dragon.

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Families of Current Students

Families of current students often have different question than parents of prospective or new students. By now, you may be wondering about where to park during graduation or how to give back to Lane after your child graduates. This page will introduce you to important information and resources for parents and families of current students.

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Additional Resources

We know you play a vital role in the success of your student. We also know that gathering resources can be a daunting task. We’ve compiled a list of resources to help. If you don’t see what you are looking for, we’re just a call or email away.