We're here to prepare you, not only to be successful in the classroom, but in the world after college. This includes career counseling, mentoring, and mental health. We have full time counselors on campus to help you navigate the stresses of the college experience or, if you need, just a friendly face to talk to.
Career Planning
By providing preparation and promotion through character building, leadership skills, and service, we provide workshops and seminars in image enhancements and general topics preparing you for workplace experiences. These services are open to all students and alumni.
Counseling and Disability Support Services
The counseling department is here to facilitate your success, helping you prepare for life during and beyond college. We take a social, emotional approach to behavioral learning, enhancing your mental health and wellness, while contributing to a campus environment promoting optimal growth and development.
The goal of our First Year Success Mentoring Program is to provide you with the opportunity to connect with professionals who work in diverse areas of the business world. We are looking for committed individuals who are willing to serve as mentors.
Sign-up today and become a part of a program that have meaningful impacts on future Lanites.