Lane College is committed to developing the “whole student.” The purpose of Lane Institute is to achieve this priority by leading the institution in holistic high impact practices, appreciative advising, academic support, and co-curricular activities.

Lane Institute is located on the Lower-Level of Kirkendoll Student Success Center
In particular, this initiative embodies two of the College’s strategic themes: To promote student success through meaningful interactions to prepare students for life in a global society; and to stimulate intellectual and creative discovery through scholarship, teaching and research. Specifically, Lane Institute helps students to achieve success across their General Education courses and to successfully complete their first sixty hours. Additionally, Lane Institute helps underclassmen to successfully transition from academic sanction to academic good standing. Finally, Lane Institute seeks to empower the campus community to become a trauma-informed community over the next five year.
Dr. Carleen Jackson | Director of Lane Institute
Mr Freeman McKindra | Director of First Year Experiences
Mr. Nicholas Grayson | Director of Sophomore Experiences