The Lane College Student Government Association (SGA) is a sanctioned College organization that fosters student involvement in the quality of student life at the College. The primary goals of the SGA are as follows: to provide a forum for the expression of student ideas; to serve as an intermediary between the student and the College community; to promote intellectual dialogue; and to secure student enrichment.
The SGA participates in a wide range of activities and its purposes are intimately related to all facets of campus life.
Lets Meet the Unconquered Administration
SGA President, Malek Lockhart
SGA Vice-President, Timmyus Hill
SGA Secretary, Tyreshia Jackson
Chief Justice, Charence Brice
Senior Class President, JaKniyah Thompson
Senior Class Vice-President, Thomas McCaulley
Junior Class President, Rudino Ramsey
Junior Class Vice-President, Tyshun Gaiter
Sophomore Class President, Nylah Berry
Sophomore Class Vice-President, Rodriquez Murphy

While some individuals think about fire they always look at it as negative but fire can be positive as well. In life you have so many things being thrown at you trying to knock you down. Even when things are trying to knock you down you have to keep persevering through and get to your destination. No matter what trials and tribulations come your way, you must remain POSITIVE in the FIRE
to be successful.

Lane College Student Government Association Goals for 2023-2024
- Serve as liaisons for the student body:
Listen and take action for the student body if there are any problems on campus that would hinder the success of all students.
- Improvements to our campus: Make suggestions for small and big improvements to our campus that would make the campus more welcoming and increase the enrollment rate on campus.
- Engage student body in educational events: Host educational events throughout the semester that would help students in educational areas that they may need improvement in.
- Engage student body in fun and social student activities:
To get students acquainted with the campus and out of their room to meet new people and enjoy college life.
- Host monthly student town hall meetings:
Take suggestions from the student body for campus improvements, student activities & programs.
- Engage student body in on and off campus opportunities:
Informing students of different programs and organizations Lane College has to offer and advertise internships and job opportunities students may be eligible for.
- Engage student body in leadership conferences once a semester: To help students in the areas of professional development, leadership, and also networking.