PER 109: Volleyball
I Credit
A study of rules, regulations, and fundamental skills of volleyball.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 110: Basketball
I Credit
A study of rules, regulations, and fundamental skills of Basketball.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 111: Bowling
1 Credit
Fundamentals and techniques of bowling, scoring and basic rules, regulations, and games of bowling.
Offered: Fall/Spring (O)
PER 112: Power Walking
I Credit
A quick-pace fitness workout designed to encourage continued life-long exercise.
Offered Fall/Spring (A)
PER 113: Golf
1 Credit
Fundamentals and techniques of golf, scoring and basic rules, regulations, and games of golf.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 114: Aerobics
1 Credit
A study of basic skills in aerobic exercise.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 115: Beginning Swimming
1 Credit
Students will learn and demonstrate water safety, rules and regulations, basic strokes and some fundamental swimming skills.
Prerequisite: Physical Education major
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 116: Tennis-Table Tennis
1 Credit
A study of rules, regulations, and fundamental skills.
PER 118: Flag Football
1 Credit
A study of rules, regulations, and fundamental skills.
Offered: Spring (O)
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 119: Soccer
1 Credit
Introduces the fundamentals techniques of soccer, basic rules, and regulations.
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 120, PER 220, PER 320, PER 420: Intercollegiate Football I-IV
1 Credit
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 121: Modern/Dance/ Jazz Dance
1 Credit
Introduction to basic dance technique and movement improvisation; a study of motion as an art, group relationships in improvisation, and discussion of choreographic ideas.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 130: Basic Weight Training
1 Credit
This course focuses on fundamentals, techniques, and various weight lifting methodologies as a means to enhance strength, endurance, and flexibility. It is involved in developing a safe and practical program of strength enhancement that attains results.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 131: Intermediate Weight Training II
1 Credit
This course focuses on intermediate techniques of weight training involving developing strength, endurance and aspects of weight control.
Prerequisite: PER 130
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 132: Advanced Weight Training III
1 Credit
This course focuses on teaching advanced techniques of weight training involving developing strength, endurance and aspects of weight control.
Prerequisite: PER 131
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER: 150 Karate/Self-Defense
1 Credit
This course focus on learning and improving basic and fundamental techniques in karate and self- defense as well as principles, law, and philosophy in terms of avoidance of conflicts. This is accomplished by participating in various exercise programs as a means to enhance the ability of self-defense.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 141, PER 241, PER 341, PER 441: Intercollegiate Basketball I-IV
1 Credit
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 142, PER 242, PER 342, PER 442: Intercollegiate Tennis I-IV
1 Credit
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 143, PER 243, PER 343, PER 443: Intercollegiate Track and CC I-IV
1 Credit
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 144, PER 244, PER 344, PER 444: Intercollegiate Baseball I-IV
1 Credit
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 145, PER 245, PER 345, PER 445: Intercollegiate Softball I-IV
1 Credit
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 147, PER 247, PER 347, PER 447: Cheerleading I-IV
1 Credit
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 214: Aerobics II:
I Credit
Students will be exposed to intermediate skills of aerobic exercise.
Prerequisite: PER 114
Offered Fall/Spring (A)
PER 215: Intermediate Swimming
1 Credit
Endurance will be increased by the coordination of strokes, diving, and different styles of swimming for synchronized and other related skills.
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 221: Social and Contemporary Dance
2 Credits
This course gives instruction in the fundamentals of social and contemporary dancing, emphasizing the execution of basic movements, analyses and timing of movements. Emphasis will be put on skills and techniques for dances suggested by students.
Offered: Fall (E)
PER 222: Conditioning Exercise
2 Credits
This course is designed to develop a basic understanding of how and when the body moves and the strengthening of the muscles. It will do this through the teaching of jogging techniques and other endurance activities working toward total fitness.
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 223: Elementary Games
2 Credits
Presents methods and materials in teaching physical fitness, sports, rhythmic movements, singing, running, and storytelling games in the lower grades. Recognition of skills appropriate for age level. Designated clinical hours required.
Prerequisite: EDU 230, Physical Education major
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 231: Introduction to Physical Education
3 Credits
An orientation course explaining the history, philosophy, and nature of health and physical education including legal responsibilities. Survey of available material for health and physical education instruction. Designated clinical hours required.
Prerequisite: Physical Education major
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 233: Individual and Team Sports
3 Credits
Rules and techniques of adult sports adaptable to junior and senior high school facilities and use of Inexpensive equipment. Activities include speedball, volleyball, history of sports, rules and psychology of coaching strategy, methods of organization and practices in handling groups.
Prerequisite: PER 231
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 236: Nutrition
3 Credits
Introduction to principles of nutrition with implications for and applications to food selection and planning of adequate diets for individuals and families. A study of foods which help to prevent deficiencies and a careful study of the chemical and physiological factors governing metabolism during infancy, childhood, and normal adult life.
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 250: Inter. Karate/Self-Defense
1 Credit
This course is a continuation course of PER 150 (Karate/Self-Defense). It is an enhancement on learning and improving fundamental and some advanced techniques in karate and self-defense as well as principles, law, and philosophy in terms of avoidance of conflicts. This is accomplished by participating in various exercise programs as a means to enhance the ability of self-defense.
Offered: Spring (O)
PER 260: Fitness for Life
3 Credits
A study of the general nature and structure of exercise and fitness, and health as it pertains to the individual. The purpose of this course is to assist the individual in gaining an understanding of the effects of exercise, sports and physical activity on optimal health, wellness, and fitness. Emphasis is placed on development of healthy lifestyle through planning a personal exercise program.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 310: Human Anatomy for Physical Education & Sport
3 Credit
A systematic approach to the study of the anatomical structure of the human body as it relates to Physical Education and sport. The purpose of the course will include a comprehensive study of the muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems and the relationship of those systems to Physical Education and Sport.
Prerequisite: Physical Education Major
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 314: Aerobics III
I Credit
Students will be exposed to advanced skills of aerobic exercise.
Offered Fall/Spring (A)
PER 322: Stunts and Tumbling
3 Credits
This course covers basic knowledge, techniques, and practices of fundamental skills of stunts and tumbling. Students work basically on the mats and on the floor.
Offered: Fall (O)
PER 323: Advanced Swimming/Lifeguard Training.
2 Credits
Advanced life saving techniques will be taught including approaches, carries, and releases.
Student will demonstrate techniques used in rescuing a drowning individual.
Prerequisite: Physical Education Major and PER 215
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 324: Sports Officiating*
2 Credits
A survey of the coaching fields of football, basketball, baseball, track and field; in methods of teaching fundamentals with an analysis of offensive and defensive techniques. A detailed study of rules and techniques, in officiating, with explanation of the common problems encountered.
PER 325: Adapted Physical Education
3 Credits
This course is a study of procedures and practices for programs that meet the needs of exceptional children, and those who, by reasons of mental, social, or physical disabilities, cannot successfully participate in the regular physical education program.
Prerequisite: PER 231.
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 326: First Aid and Safety
2 Credits
Designed for prospective teachers and coaches to gain knowledge and ability about how to handle common emergencies that may arise in the home, at the school, while swimming or boating, on the playground or athletic field, and in the gymnasium. Demonstration and practice in the general first aid care of emergencies, including CPR. Identification of potential hazards and preventive techniques.
Offered: Fall/Spring (A)
PER 327: Motor Development/ Learning
3 Credits
This course introduces student to major concepts of motor development and motor learning. It includes application of these concepts to the teaching/coaching of motor skills. The course introduces the basic understanding of motor skill development from infancy to older adulthood. The course further explores the concepts in motor learning and development and how variation in motor, cognitive, and social abilities affects individual acquisition of motor skills. The expected experiential outcome will be the preparation, development, and implementation/teaching of developmentally appropriate movement activities to infants, school-aged children, and up to older adults.
Prerequisites: PSY 230: Human Growth & Development
Offered: Fall/Spring
PER 328: Sport Injury/Prevention and Care
3 Credit
The course is designed to introduce the student to basic athletic training techniques. Laboratory experience is provided.
Prerequisite: PER 310
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 330: Coach/Officiating Athletic and
Intramural Sports*
3 Credits
This course involves methods of organization and administration of the athletic and intramural programs in schools and colleges. It emphasizes policies and procedures for operating, coaching and officiating athletic events. It gives a detailed study of rules and techniques in officiating, with explanation of common problem involved.
PER 331: Kinesiology
3 Credits
A study of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles and their functions in the various movements involved in games, sports, and general activities of daily living.
Prerequisite: Physical Education major, PER 310
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 333: Organization of Festivals Playgrounds, and Recreation*
3 Credits
This course considers organizational patterns and administrative problems involved in various types of play activities for preschoolers, school children, and adults. It emphasizes methods, materials and techniques of presenting festivals, demonstrations and special celebrations.
PER 334: Personal and Community Hygiene*
3 Credits
An analysis of personal health problems; biological basis of life; attitude toward health; effects of fatigue; and the use of habit forming drugs. Additionally, the following will be emphasized: prevention and control of communicable diseases, control of water and food supply, waste disposal, good practices in heating, lighting, ventilation, and public health administration.
PER 335: School Health and Nutrition
3 Credits
Emphasizes good health, wellness, and nutrition procedures. Provides general knowledge of procedures to prevent the contamination and spread of disease, with responsibilities of the student, teacher and the parent. Explores the relationship of the use of drugs to the effectiveness of ineffectiveness of the student performance. Designated clinical hours required.
Prerequisite: EDU 230, Physical Education majors
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 337: Organization and Administration of Recreation*
3 Credits
This course considers organization patterns and administration problems involved in the various types of operating recreational groups and agencies; forms or organization; finances and budgets; personnel; public relations, sport facility development; legal concerns; marketing techniques, psycho-social implication; and sports.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Recreation and Program Leadership in Recreation.
PER 338: Introduction to Recreation*
3 Credits
This course covers the history and philosophy of the recreation and parks movement. It will include the foundations of recreation and the basic concepts underlying the organization of leisure and recreation activity.
PER 339: Methods of Teaching Physical Education
3 Credits
Emphasizes health and physical education activities differentiated according to capacities, needs, interest, and development of pupils; study and evaluation of current methods and units of course material; development of program goals, program design, and management techniques.
Prerequisites: EDU 230 and PER 231
Offered: Fall (A)
PER 340: Physiology of Exercise
3 Credits
A study of physical efficiency and physiological principles involved in human exercise. Emphasis will be placed on the responses of the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems.
Prerequisite: Physical Education major, PER 231, PER 222, and PER 310
PER 350: Fitness Testing/Exercise Prescription
3 Credits
The course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge of fitness testing and designing exercise and/or rehabilitation programs that are appropriate for people who are apparently healthy or who have medical clearance to exercise.
Prerequisite: PER 222, PER 310, PER 328 and PER 340
Offered: Spring (A)
PER 421: Outdoor Recreation and Camping*
2 Credits
Emphasis will be placed on the philosophy, scope, and trends in outdoor recreation. It includes planning, administering, program and evaluating various outdoor recreation programs. It will examine the role of the leader as a counselor, as well as examine other leadership techniques with direct involvement in outdoor recreation experience.
Prerequisite: PER 338
PER 422: Supervision in Recreation*
2 Credits
This course will be a study of the principles, methods, techniques as well as an analysis of the functions of supervision in the recreation and parks environment.
Prerequisites: PER 421
PER 430: Program Leadership in Recreation*
3 Credits
This course is designed to teach the various methods and techniques utilized in developing competent recreation leaders. Emphasis is focused on planning of activities for special holidays, celebrations, pageants and festivals, and special groups.
Prerequisites: PER 338
PER 437: Teaching Physical Education in the Public Schools*
3 Credits
A study of the structures and curricula of modern Health and Physical Education Programs in the public schools, and the closely related areas of administration of athletics, recreation, and intramurals.
Prerequisites: EDU 230 and PER 231
PER 439: Facilities Equipment Areas in Recreation*
3 Credits
This course provides various experiences in facilities and equipment management, and areas unique to recreation, including planning, operations, and maintenance.
PER 460: Recreation Internship*
6 Credits
Emphasis will be placed on supervised leadership assignments in public or private agencies preparing the student with a variety of recreation leadership experiences common to such organizational programs. Experiences will be obtained from local recreation agencies.
Prerequisite: All courses toward the minor must be completed.