The Lane College Early Admissions program offers an opportunity to interested and qualified high school students to earn college credits while still in high school. The program is designed for high school juniors and seniors whose ability, academic achievement, and general maturity indicate that they are ready to perform satisfactorily in college-level work.
To be admitted to the program, a student must have
- Completed the sophomore year of high school;
- A cumulative grade point average of at least a "B" (3.0); and
- Submitted an admissions application, high school transcript, official ACT score, and a letter of recommendation from a high school principal or counselor.
Each applicant will be reviewed on his/her own merit using criteria which include the following:
- The secondary school record, including discipline and scholastic records;
- Performance on the ACT;
- Recommendation from high school principal or counselor;
- Applicant's hand-written statement giving the reason(s) for seeking early admission; and
- Interview with College's Screening Committee.
A student approved for the Early Admissions Program may enroll in courses at Lane College during the summers after his/her sophomore and junior years. A maximum of six (6) semester hours may be pursued each session. In addition, qualified high school seniors may enroll in a maximum of two college courses concurrently with their high school courses.
Students who withdraw from the College for any reason must complete the following steps:
- Secure a withdrawal form from the Registrar's Office.
- Complete the personal data information;
- list the courses registered for the semester;and
- check the reason(s) for withdrawal.
- Obtain the signatures of and conduct exit interviews as necessary with each of the following:
- the advisor,
- counselor,
- Cashier,
- Director of Financial Aid,
- Director of Student Loan Management,
- Librarian,
- Vice President for Student Affairs, and
- Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- Submit the withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar for placement in your permanent academic record.