Lane College Student Scholars,
We have been closely monitoring the latest COVID-19 surge out of a concern for the health, safety, and well-being of the Lane College community, and all. Based upon the most recent data and information Lane College has taken the following action:
The current Remote Instruction protocol will end on January 28, 2022. ALL courses will be offered in the modality (Face-to-Face; Hybrid; Online synchronous/asynchronous) given in the Spring 2022 Academic Schedule.
Please continue to monitor your schedule on CAMS for the most current classroom assignments.
Also, the deadline for Registration and Add/Drop is January 28, 2022. Please be sure to contact your advisor (Seniors/Juniors) or Lane Institute (Sophomores/Freshmen). If you are already registered, login to ALL COURSES through Blackboard Ultra; and complete required assignments. Students who have not done so by January 28, 2022 are subject to administrative withdrawal from the course.
Continue to stay safe and help us protect the “Lane College Bubble.” This can be accomplished by following Lane’s COVID-19 protocol of WWSS - Wash your hands; Wear your mask; Social distance and Self-check. If you are a residential student, minimizing your interactions with people outside the campus.
I am confident that through our commitment to WWSS and God’s grace and mercy, we will safely survive the COVID-19 pandemic.
Daryll H. Coleman, Vice President for Academic Affairs